
Spark and Perfect Practice



Talentcodeacademy.com  Steve@talentcodeacademy.com


Please call 800.999.0824 to reserve a time and place for an interview with coach Steve Friederang. Once you complete your application, we simply want to look in your eyes. Will you be a positive addition to our class? Are you thrilled to have us on your side as you learn what mastery is and how it’s achieved? Are you happy to try, try, try, try, and try again and again until you have reached your fullest potential? 

Excellence is a common word. It’s rarely achieved. Why? Because it’s a learned skill, rarely taught. It has to be searched for. It has a CODE. Mastery is the difference between getting 90% on a test and 100%. Which doctor would you rather perform your brain surgery? Which musician do you prefer to hear? Which cook wold you rather prepare your food in a restaurant? Which teacher would rather have? Which person would you rather drive you to the airport? Mastery is the difference being being good enough to pass and being the very best you can be at something. Anything. Schools give highest grades to students who miss 10 of 100 addition and subtraction questions. We don’t. If a foundation is missing we happily go back. If it’s been a while, we repeat, even with those who are approaching mastery.

Our students arrive before our teachers. In the car on the way to school they are reading books by or watching videos of the best of the best in the area of their passion. If they miss one of 1,000 challenges on a test, they want to know what they missed and why. Our students love challenge. They aren’t always stressed; they are more often laughing! They don’t complain after hours of reaching and study; they celebrate. They do what they do not because they have to but because they love to. They realize they choose their emotions. Please note -- these are LEARNED strategies and behaviors. As with any skill set mastery has to be taught and practiced. Students will fail forward in the Talent Code Academy. Success will be cheered by everyone as will passionate effort. The environment will be powerful and the adaptations and victories will sometimes be hard won. The rings on the tree predict it’s height and legacy. Each one comes with time and nourishment.

This is who and how we are. If this describes you; please please join us. We can’t wait to meet and work with you.

Parents: The six hour per year rule: Thirty students in a class is two minutes each per hour. There are 180 days in a school year. That’s 360 minutes or six hours a year of potential student-teacher interaction! This is why in four years of high school even the A students can’t converse with a six-year-old in a second language they didn’t learn at home. They need one-on-one assistance. If schools focussed on empowering you our job might be done. But we are the only program we know of that puts parent empowerment a priority. We work with Khan and Nottingham and all the major universities. We require ipads and are available every day for interaction and feedback. We are visited by worldwide experts in each subject and will bring them to class or visit them in person as needed. Most important, we love our own children as much as you do yours and know that part of empowering them is empowering you. One hour with you each week for six weeks equals a whole year of teacher child interaction at school in any subject.


©Talent Code Academy 2018

16971 Imperial Highway, Yorba Linda, California 92886

By appointment only

Call 800.999.0824

Talent Code Academy

2724 Cape Drive,

Corona, CA 92882

By appointment only

Call 800.999.0824