We help homeschool families reach their dreams and goals. Please click the button above to subscribe. Together we’ll make sure yours is a “student centered” curriculum.
Michael Friederang (L) giving a tour of the CBU Engineering building to fellow Talent Coders. At twelve he was CBU’s youngest full-time student by four years! Now he’s the youngest PhD student at UC Riverside at 16. It’s all about environment and fun! Join us.
Our “Learn-To-Learn” and “Student Centered Curriculum” programs have coached thousands of students to reach all the best Universities, but our programs are more about people finding, living, and enjoying their personal and unique passion. What’s yours? Let’s get started.
$29 a month (if paid annually) might be less than one meal at a fast food establishment.
For our kids, learning and instituting Student Centered Curriculum meant college early and full scholarships. If the maximum you get out of this experience is someone to help your children find their purpose, that too is worth the price.
You will get videos of the Zooms we do regularly to inform, educate and inspire the leaders of homeschool families.
You also get our monthly Magazine that includes actual videos of our children through the ages, unedited in their moods and failures and also in their triumphs. You get face to face with Steve and Michelle to help you refine your focus or just to hear our cheers for your family homeschool success. Of course you get a lot more than that as a subscriber.
The templates and links you see Steve use on the Zooms are also going to be available for Subscribers only. You get links to a day of customizable “Curriculum” we’ve actually done or will do. You also get your questions answered first in the Zooms and in between by e-mail. You’ll get hundreds and hundreds of links, books, experts in many fields -- both in the standards chosen by classroom school leaders and infinite other fields of interest and endeavor. You get discounts on private Zooms and in-person meetings and are first in line for seminars. You also get one another.We help you connect with like minded parents who want the best for their children.
Our experience raising children who went beyond the norm is that rare air is where the most fun is. We’ll bring in our kids in private and sometimes Tuesday Zooms. Ask them anything :).
You can only imagine how much work we will save you because of the years and experiences we’ve gone though. Thank you very much for supporting this cause with your subscription! We know you will be sharing your own success stories with us soon.